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Polish Dating in Germany

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Polish Girls & Men Data on Facebook: Know your chances of dating a Polish in Germany

Do you feel a bit lonely? Are you bored with the life of an independent emigrant? Or maybe you've grown up thinking that it's just time to find the other half and Germany is not the worst place to do it? The fact that you do not live in Poland does not mean you can’t find a Polish partner. Dating for Polish in Germany is not so difficult in your area! At least 70,000 single Polish are waiting for you in Germany for example, according to Facebook data:

Single Number of Polish People in Germany by Age Group

Age Group	Male	Female	Total	Female %
18-30		24,000	16,000	40,000	40%
31-40		9,400	6,700	16,100	42%
41-50		3,600	4,500	8,100	56%
51+		1,900	3,000	4,900	61%

There is no doubt that Germany is still one of the most popular immigration destinations for Polish as it's closest neighbor to Poland. The distance from the "new" to the "old" home does not terrify Poles as much as the kilometers separating Poland, England or Norway.

No wonder why there are 70,000 single Polish people on Facebook live in Germany. More than half of them, as 40,000, are aged between 18-30; Young, ambitious, with plans for an international career, but lonely. What brings them here?

Higher standard of living? Better employment conditions? Not since yesterday, after all, the young emigrate to Germany. Eventually, even before the fall of the Berlin Wall, the route between divided Germany and Poland was one of the most popular routes that were being moved at that time.

The fact is that young people are most likely to take a chance to go on a trip. The second largest group of singles (people from 30 to 40 years old) is much smaller, but it is still 16,000 souls still looking for a partner.

Is it therefore surprising that the most lonely people belong to the youngest age group? Not necessarily. Relationship, family, children - this is something that needs material preparation, and many of these forward-thinking Poles take advantage of the opportunity offered by multicultural Germany.

Poles in Germany - where do they live?

Single Number of Polish People from All Ages in Germany by City on Facebook

City		Male	Female	Total	Female %
Berlin		2,900	2,700	5,600	48%
Frankfurt	2,600	2,200	4,800	46%
Munich		2,300	1,600	3,900	41%
Cologne		2,100	1,500	3,600	42%
Hamburg		2,000	1,500	3,500	43%
Hanover		1,500	1,100	2,600	42%
Dortmund	1,400	1,100	2,500	44%
Essen		1,400	1,100	2,500	44%
Stuttgart	1,200	900	2,100	43%
Dusseldorf	1,200	900	2,100	43%
*Data taken from Facebook; all numbers show members of Facebook

The largest German city that attracts Polish singles is Berlin. It is probably no surprise that it is the German capital that we so often choose as an émigré destination. There are almost 6,000 people there, who define themselves as single on Facebook - and 48% of them are women.

The further tops of the list include Frankfurt - almost 5,000 singles, including 46% women, Munich - almost 5,000 people, including 41% of women, Cologne and Hamburg, who has a similar number of unmarried people (3,500) and a similar percentage of women in these groups (42% and 43%, respectively).

One conclusion is obvious: women seem to prefer life in a big city. The lively German capital remains the best place for Polish dating.

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